UofT - Neural Networks for Machine Learning (Jeff Hinton ) |
UofT - Introduction to Machine Learning Course - 2019 |
Stanford CS229: Machine Learning (Autumn 2018) |
Stanford CS231 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition |
Stanford CS230 Deep Learning |
Stanford - Artificial Intelligence Course |
Stanford - Quantum Entanglements, Part 1 |
Stanford - Quantum Entanglements, Part 2 |
Stanford - Quantum Entanglements, Part 3 |
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010 |
MIT 6.S191 Introduction to Deep Learning |
MIT 8.04 Quantum Physics I |
MIT 8.05 Quantum Physics II |
MIT 8.06 Quantum Physics III |
Caltech CS156 Machine Learning |
Caltech EE44 Introductory Circuits and Systems |
Caltech Astro |
NYU - SP20 Deep Learning - Yann LeCun |
TensorFlow 2.0 |
Machine Learning for Everybody |
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